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DS1/VSS Challenge Task FS 2020 Winner

The winning group is: Dominic Klinger, Lukas Leuenberger, and Jan Ruch.

They gathered weather data from multiple locations and they used many components: ActiveMQ, Eureka discovery services, Kibana, Docker compose, running on self-hosted gitlab

On the 04.08.2020, 08:10 - 09:50, we will have the "Beratungswoche" online via Microsoft Teams. The access code for this session is: wdfade1. In order to enter the code, click join or create a team below your teams list and look for the Join a team with a code card.

Important dates

Verteilte SW-Systeme (VSS)

NrDate LectureDate ExerciseTopicsSlidesMilestones
0118.02.2020-Admin, IntroductionVSS-FS20-01-Admin_v1.pdf, VSS-FS20-01-Introduction_v2.pdf, alpine-fs20_v3.ova (VirtualBox Image - root/hsr12345 (47MB))Group forming idea for services
0225.02.202025/26.02.2020Protocols, Basics, ScalabilityVSS-FS20-02-Proto_v4.pdfSetup dev environment
0303.03.202003/04.03.2020Application ProtocolsVSS-FS20-03-App-proto_v3.pdfInformation flow
0410.03.202010/11.03.2020Distributed Applications: load balancing (slide 1-19)VSS-FS20-04-Dist-app_v3.pdfLoad balancer
0517.03.202017/18.03.2020-(lecture and exercise canceled)-
0524.03.202024/25.03.2020Distributed Applications: CORS (slide 20), gRPC (slide 18-19), git (slide 22-26)(online lectures: videos are below) VSS-FS20-05-News.pdf, VSS-FS20-04-Dist-app_v3.pdf
0631.03.202031/01.04.2020Authorization (basic auth, digest auth, session-based, JWT), message queues(online lectures: videos are below) VSS-FS20-06-News.pdf, VSS-FS20-06-Auth.pdf, VSS-FS20-06-Queues.pdfStorage backend
0707.04.202007/08.03.2020Containers and VMs(online lectures: videos are below) VSS-FS20-07-News.pdf, VSS-FS20-07-Docker.pdf
0921.04.2020-Blockchain, Bitcoin, Ethereum I(online lectures: videos are below) VSS-FS20-09-News.pdf, VSS-FS20-09-Bitcoin.pdf
1028.04.202028/29.04.2020Blockchain, Bitcoin, Ethereum II(online lectures: videos are below) VSS-FS20-10-News.pdf, VSS-FS20-10-Bitcoin2.pdfFrontend
1105.05.202005/06.05.2020Docker, Docker Compose, Connecting everything(online lectures: videos are below), VSS-FS20-11-News.pdf, VSS-FS20-11-Docker-Deployment.pdfConnecting everything
1212.05.202012/13.05.2020Real-world examples, P2P OTC trading with sibex.io and COVID-19 traffic light system with livealytics.com, promissory note with FQX fqx.ch with Daniel Killenberger - daniel-at-fqx.ch(online lectures: videos are below, no more exam relevant material!), VSS-FS20-12-News.pdf, VSS-FS20-12-Real-HTLC.pdf, VSS-FS20-12-Real-Counter.pdf
1319.05.2020-Challenge Task Presentations(online lectures, no more exam relevant material!) VSS-FS20-13-News.pdf, VSS-FS20-13-CT.pdf Please send me any questions you have (if any) until 25.5.2020 via email
1426.05.2020-Challenge Task Award Winner Announcement, Q&A(online lectures, no more exam relevant material!) VSS-FS20-14-CT.pdf

Online lectures

Due to COVID-19, the VSS lecture will be held online. I'm preparing online videos as a replacement for the lectures on Tuesdays 08:10 - 09:50. The length of the videos will be ~80 - 90 minutes (2 x 45min. lectures) divided into segments. For the exercises, I will be available online on Tuesday from 10:00 - 17:00 and Wednesday 10:00 - 17:00 on https://whereby.com/tombocek. Please contact me if you have any questions regarding the challenge task or also just to say Hi :)

Disclaimer: the material below is only available within HSR and publishing outside of HSR is not allowed. Make sure that you connect via VPN, as access outside HSR is restricted.

Challenge Task FS2020 hand in

Due to COVID-19, your challenge task code, configuration, and documentation needs to be sent via email to thomas.bocek-at-hsr.ch. The code and configuration should be easy to read and/or well documented, the presentation (slides or text) should show the architecture, components, and design decisions. The hand in starts now (21.4.2020) and the deadline is 12.05.2020 23:59. In case of questions with respect to the challenge task, I will contact you directly.

Lecture 5

In the News discusses the crypto currency markets, as well as some positive news from South Korea and India with respect to crypto currency regulations. Also MakerDAO showed weaknesses during the crypto currency stress test. Slides: VSS-FS20-05-News.pdf

Since this topic was not completed in lecture 4, the NGINX, Traefik, HAProxy segment show how to setup these 3 load balancers. Slides: 12-17 from VSS-FS20-04-Dist-app_v3.pdf.

Some students asked if they can load balance the storage as well. This segment shows how to load balance gRPC traffic for a KV-storage backend. Slides: 18-19 from VSS-FS20-04-Dist-app_v3.pdf.

When developing a distributed system, you may run into security policy issues (as some students did). This segment shows how to deal with CORS (Cross-Origin Resource Sharing). Slides: 20 from VSS-FS20-04-Dist-app_v3.pdf.

Git is a distributed version-control system, which is used by many challenge task groups. This segment shows basic commands for git, as not all students are familiar with git. Slides: 22 - 26 from VSS-FS20-04-Dist-app_v3.pdf.

Lecture 6

In the News discusses the Discrod incident as well as the announcement of the Ethereum 2.0 roadmap. Slides: VSS-FS20-06-News.pdf

Authentication dives into the various authentication topics from basic auth, to session-based authentication to JWT. Examples for both, JWT and session-based authentication are presented. Finally, an short overview over OAuth is given. Slides: VSS-FS20-06-Auth.pdf

Since some people were asking, here is my setup for recording these lectures.

In this segment, message queues are discussed and how they could be applied in your challenge task. As an example, RabbitMQ with a simple producer and consumer is shown. Slides: VSS-FS20-06-Queues.pdf

Lecture 7

In the News discusses the .crypto domains and a brief reminder about concurrency vs parallelism. Slides: VSS-FS20-07-News.pdf

Some students are using docker containers for their challenge task, so in this segment, I'm presenting docker containers and how they could be used in your challenge task. A very convenient way to start your application with all your components is to provide a docker-compose configuration file, which starts all the necessary containers. Slides: VSS-FS20-07-Docker.pdf

Lecture 9

In the News discusses the provider "war" between UPC and Init7. Slides: VSS-FS20-09-News.pdf

This segment provides a high level overview over Bitcoin. Slides: VSS-FS20-09-Bitcoin.pdf

Lecture 10

In the News presents a Netflix article about TLS1.3 and a Cloudflare article about HTTP/2 vs. HTTP/3. Slides: VSS-FS20-10-News.pdf

This segment closes the overview over Bitcoin and provides a high level overview over Ethereum. Slides: VSS-FS20-10-Bitcoin2.pdf

Lecture 11

In the News presents a comparison of TCP+TLS with QUIC and briefly mentions git branching conventions and clouds. Slides: VSS-FS20-11-News.pdf

This segment combines all parts together and shows how a potential solution to the challenge task could look like. The solution uses docker and docker-compose. Slides: VSS-FS20-11-Docker-Deployment.pdf

Lecture 12

In the News talks about erasure pipeline of Twitter as an example of complexity, and briefly discusses the Bitcoin halving. Slides: VSS-FS20-12-News.pdf

P2P OTC trading with sibex.io. This segment shows what cross-chain atomic swaps are and briefly shows the product that integrated these swaps. Slides: VSS-FS20-12-Real-HTLC.pdf

COVID-19 traffic light system with livealytics.com. This segment shows WebSockets and briefly shows the product that used those for a COVID-19 counter. Slides: VSS-FS20-12-Real-Counter.pdf

Daniel Killenberger (daniel-at-fqx.ch) is showing how distributed systems are used at FQX. He talks about promissory notes, Kubernetes, deployments, and garden.io.

Lecture 13

In the News talks about the unattributable "db8151dd" data breach (which is now attributed: Covve), about the cost of TCP and the UPbit hack. Slides: VSS-FS20-13-News.pdf

This segment is the first part of the challenge task hand-in by the students, which shows many different technical solutions. While the architecture is similar accross the solutions, the libraries and frameworks differ greatly. I'm excited to look into the rest of the hand-ins. Slides: VSS-FS20-13-CT.pdf

This segment is the second part of the challenge task hand-in by the students, which shows many different technical solutions. The solutions with a docker-compose.yml are very convenient to setup and typically runs with a couple of minutes. Slides: VSS-FS20-13-CT.pdf

This segment is the third part of the challenge task hand-in by the students. Slides: VSS-FS20-13-CT.pdf

This segment is the fourth part of the challenge task hand-in by the students. Slides: VSS-FS20-13-CT.pdf

Lecture 14

The challenge task winners are: Dominic Klinger, Lukas Leuenberger & Jan Ruch. Congratulations! Slides: VSS-FS20-14-CT.pdf

Challenge Task FS 2020

This semester's challenge task (CT) is the design and implementation of a simple distributed system, with the following components:

  1. Simple Frontend (e.g., HTML, Vue, React)
  2. Loadbalancer(e.g., traefik)
  3. Two instances of a service (your choice) (e.g., REST / HTTP / Protobuf)
  1. One KV storage backend (e.g., Protobuf)
  2. Authentication (e.g., basic auth)

VirtualBox Image

The alpine image is a VirtualBox image, that can be imported. Install VirtualBox and click on "File -> Import Appliance" to import the ova image. Once the image is started, you can login with root/hsr12345 or ssh into the image with ssh root@localhost -p 2222.

If you see Received disconnect from port 2222:2: Too many authentication failures Disconnected from port 2222, you probably have to many ssh keys in .ssh. Either login with ssh -o PubkeyAuthentication=no -p 2222 root@ or set MaxAuthTries 20 (something higher than 6) in /etc/ssh/sshd_config in the alpine image.

To use password less login, use ssh-copy-id -p 2222 root@, which copies your public key to your VM and on the next login, you don't need to provide a password.


All requirements below must be met in order to pass the challenge task.

  1. Use at least one text protocol, at least one binary protocol
  2. Load balancing
  3. Scalable service with authentication

Deliverables: 12.05.2020 - well documented code and infrastructure, presentation (slides) and demo of the application, also showing the architecture and design decisions. You are allowed to use any language, framework, and platforms. However, the supervisors are familiar with those: Java, Golang, JavaScript, Linux.


There will be groups of 3 for the challenge task. During the challenge task, the group shall meet every week during exercise hours to work on the task and discuss the next steps. The groups shall utilize their homework times to work on the CT, besides the exercise time slots assigned on Tuesday/Wednesday. You do not have be physically present at the exercises, the supervisors will be at HSR during exercise hours. The groups shall determine and set-up an internal project plan and shall distribute the workload so that each group member gets a fair load of work.

01Raphael J., Gino C., Timothée M.Email ✓
02Dario C., Marco C., Martin I.Log ✓
03Pascal S., Pascal S.,Florian F.Pricechecker ✓
04Abdullah A., Ricky R., Ursin Z.Shopping list ✓
05Dominic K., Lukas L.r, Jan R.Weather Data ✓
06Jonas H., Christoph S., Rafael F.BikePlanner ✓
07Armend L., Christian B., Marco E.Deceater ✓
08Yves B., David L., Eliane S.
09Marco G., Oliver G., Carlo K.ClickJack ✓
10Yael S., Nadine S., Saskia S.Basar ✓
11Laurin Z., Lukas S., Simeon H.iGETiT ✓
12Felix K., Marc S., Patrick K.HappyFace ✓
13Fabian T., Yannick V., Robin E.URL shortener 2 ✓
14Bojan D., Fabian T.Expense Tracker ✓
15Mike S., Sascha G., Luca T.Shopping list 2 ✓
16Kevin M., Danusan P., Aynkaran S.Grade ✓
17Leonard O., Daniel E., Loris K.EventHub ✓
18Benjamin P., Yanick R.Chat ✓
19Benny V., Moritz S., David K.Jass ✓
20Anina B., Pascal S.Cookbook ✓ (not all req.)
21Fabian G., Fabio C., Philippe W.URL shortener ✓
22Aaron S., Nebai Kidane T.Todo ✓
23Lukas B., Fabian Z., Pascal P.ROM ✓